claire dorn phtgrph
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© claire dorn
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amazons - words of women
2017-2020 (work in progress)
This work was born from the meeting with a little boy’s mother, Xènia,
who several months after giving birth could not feel serene about the
caesarean section she had undergone. It was as if the question of the
caesarean was shrouded in a taboo.
This raised questions of a physiological, psychic, and relational nature, questions I decided to put to other
women and gather their testimony.
Under what conditions were their caesarean sections performed? How
were they prepared for this surgical act? How were these patients
viewed during this operation? How did these mothers experience the
caesarean section, before and after the operation? What relationship do
they have to their act of giving birth? What is the impact of this childbirth
on the relationship with their child? How do they feel they are looked
upon after having given birth by caesarean section?
The scar is more than just a mark on the body: it is in the intimacy of
women’s flesh that political questions are played out.